Educational Plans and Resources: An Overview
If you haven’t already, please consider reading the entire home page for a holistic picture of what we are trying to accomplish as a network before reading educational plans.
As a way of implementing our approach to ministry, this website offers educational plans and resources to help you equip your church members to make disciples within their own spheres of influence. We organize the resources into three categories:
Evangelism: The Path to God (a short article for facilitating conversation with others on how to know God) and Discover (a detailed study guide that helps you and your church members to start and lead Bible studies (a) to introduce non-Christians to God through Jesus Christ and/or (b) to help Christians learn or review the basics of the Christian faith)
Discipleship: The Discipleship Series (a projected series of twenty-one study guides (with 130 lessons total) that establishes Christians in the core teachings of the Christian faith—designed as “teaching-discussion guides” to be used in house churches or similar settings)
Leadership Development: The Pastoral Training Program (a training program to equip men to start and lead house churches in their neighborhoods)