What is a study plan of Christian resources?

A study plan of Christian resources is a map that charts a way forward for you to think more clearly about God and his will and to serve him more faithfully. It takes you from point A (any lack of knowledge and ability in an area of your life) to point B (increased knowledge and ability in that area).

For example, perhaps you want to learn more about living joyfully as a single man or woman in today’s world. Or you want to deepen your prayer life. Or you want to learn more about teaching God’s Word to other people. Each of these reflects a desire to mature in the Christian faith—a desire to move forward.

Studying these topics formally is one of the most important ways to make progress. Whenever possible, study in community with your church leaders and other Christians in your life. And as I will say repeatedly, put your learning into practice in your family and local church. A merely intellectual faith is useless (at best) and dangerous (at worst).

A study plan will include reading books and articles (hard copies or electronically or both), listening to sermons and lectures (recorded or live or both), following the vlogs and blogs of thoughtful Christians, attending Christian conferences, and more.