Study Materials for Meeting with Other Christians
It is challenging to select quality study materials, whether you plan to study with one other person or more. Below I list different books and study guides that are well-suited for discussion with other Christians. While the resources are diverse in their subject matters and approaches, each resource takes you deeper into God’s Word. Even if you do not read these resources with other Christians, they are worth purchasing and reading on your own, for they will both strengthen your own faith and equip you to help others grow in the Christian faith.
Start by Jay Simala: My book explains how to establish a relationship with God the Father through Jesus Christ. In the process, it outlines the most central beliefs of the Christian faith and therefore helps you explain your faith to others.
*Identity Theft by Melissa Kruger (ed.): All of us benefit from knowing these two things: what was true about ourselves before becoming Christians and what is now true about ourselves as Christians. The authors clearly and concisely explain ten glorious truths from the Bible. For example, they explain that we were once enslaved to the power of sin but now we are free by God’s grace in Jesus Christ. And we were once outside God the Father’s family, but now we are his children.
*Spiritual Disciplines for the Christian Life by Donald Whitney: Christian spiritual disciplines are habits that God uses in our lives to help us connect to him and others and advance his purposes in the world. God commands us to engage in these habits and also gives us the grace we need to participate. They include habits such as Bible intake, prayer, and serving in a local church. Whitney’s writing is clear, practical, and, most importantly, saturated with Scripture. Consider purchasing his study guide.
You Can Pray by Tim Chester: This book might be the best place to start if you want an accessible introduction to prayer.
*In His Image and None Like Him by Jen Wilkin: Two books on the attributes of God, both foundational to thinking and living as a Christian.
*Suffering by Paul David Tripp: One of the most well-rounded and balanced books on suffering. Ideal for studying with others.
*Battling Unbelief by John Piper: This book explores how trusting God is the means by which we fight against various sins in our lives and the means by which we choose God himself as our all-surpassing pleasure. A life-transforming work.
Praying with Paul by D. A. Carson: If God delays Jesus’s return, Christians will read this book for generations to come, precisely because it is tied so closely to Scripture. Carson explains the apostle Paul’s prayers and encourages us to adopt his priorities as we pray. It is worth reading slowly (a page or two a day if need be), reflectively, and with other Christians.
The Gospel Project: This series of Bible studies helps us understand the Bible as it unfolds chronologically, which is essential for every Christian to understand. Along the way, these studies point us to Jesus Christ as the focal point of the Scriptures.
BILD Small Group Resources: Their First Principles Series consists of thirteen booklets that are arranged topically. This series outlines an integrated approach to Christian living in the context of your family and local church.