Ministry Coaching

This page outlines a practical framework for giving or receiving ministry coaching at least twice a month. You can use it as a married couple, with your adolescent or adult children, or in one-on-one conversations between two men or two women. Click here for a PDF of this document.

The overarching purpose of this framework is to help Christians discuss, plan, and pray about how to advance Jesus’s Great Commission—to make disciples of all nations (Matt. 28:19). This framework helps people share about (1) their relationship with God, (2) their relationships in their church and family, (3) how they plan to evangelize those in their networks, and (4) how they plan to coach the Christians the Lord has called them to lead. The meeting concludes with (5) praying for one another.

1. Your Relationship with God

  • Personal Spiritual Disciplines: How well are you following your plan for daily Bible reading? Daily prayer? Occasional fasting? Studying books about the Bible, theology, and/or ministry?

  • Putting Away Sin and Pursuing Holiness: What temptations to sin are you currently facing? Are there any sins that you want to confess (including the tendency to overvalue people and things)? What is God teaching you about growing into the likeness of Christ in your desires, thoughts, words, and actions?

  • Personal Trials: What strong emotions (such as anger, sadness, anxiety, shame) are you currently facing? Major decisions? Concerns for loved ones?

2. Your Relationships in Your Church and Family

  • Your Church Family: How well are you following your plan to gather regularly with other Christians (both in large and smaller gatherings)? Is there anyone to whom you need to apologize? Anyone you need to encourage, warn, or correct?

  • Your Marriage: If you are married, how are you helping your spouse to become a Christian or to grow as a Christian? Do you need advice or encouragement in any areas of your marriage?

  • Your Parenting: If you are a parent, how are you helping each of your children to become Christians or to grow as Christians? Do you need advice or encouragement in any areas of your parenting?

  • Your Other Family Members: Regarding your living relatives (including parents and in-laws), how are you helping each of them to become Christians or to grow as Christians? Do you need advice or encouragement in this area of your life?

3. Reaching Non-Christians

Identify at least three non-Christians with whom you want to read The Path to God aloud. For each person, where and when will you meet for that appointment?

  • Person #1:

  • Person #2:

  • Person #3:

  • (add more as needed)

4. Coaching Christians

Identify at least three people you are intentionally coaching in their faith. For each, where and when will you go through this page with them at least twice a month?

  • Person #1:

  • Person #2:

  • Person #3:

  • (add more as needed)

5. Praying Together

Spend time in prayer:

  1. For your own spiritual growth and for one another.

  2. For the non-Christians you are reaching with the gospel. Specifically, pray for supernatural boldness and clarity when sharing the gospel.

  3. For the Christians you are coaching.