On this page I suggest resources that explain what Christians believe about abortion. I also suggest resources to help you recover if you have had an abortion or encouraged a woman to do so. Please know that God offers forgiveness to all who turn to him and trust in Jesus Christ.
Seeking Understanding
Abortion: A Topical Survey by the Team at Desiring God (2 or 3): A landing page that addresses the topic of abortion from a variety of perspectives.
Christian Ethics by Wayne Grudem (2 or 3): This is an excellent reference book that addresses more than thirty ethical issues. Chapter twenty-one of this book explains what the Bible teaches about valuing unborn babies and protecting their lives.
The Gospel & Abortion by Russell Moore & Andrew T. Walker (eds.) (2 or 3): The editors enlisted a diverse team of writers to address questions in relation to abortion, such as “What are we for?” (which includes the question “What are we against?”), “What does the gospel say?”, and “How should the Christian live?” The book concludes with a message to those who have chosen abortion: you are not alone and there is forgiveness in Jesus Christ.
Seeking Forgiveness and Healing
Surrendering the Secret by Patricia Layton (1 or 2): An eight-session, video-supported series.
Forgiven and Set Free by Linda Cochrane (1 or 2): An eight-session Bible study.
Healing a Father’s Heart by Linda Cochrane & Kathy Jones (1 or 2): An excellent resource for men who have lost a child through abortion.