As I say elsewhere, God used the book More Than a Carpenter to change the direction of my life more than thirty years ago. Throughout my adolescence, I believed that Jesus was simultaneously a respectable religious figure and yet irrelevant to my life. He was someone to appreciate from a distance, but not someone to worship and follow for all of eternity. This book, however, nudged me to make a decision about who I believed Jesus to be. Either Jesus was and is the risen and reigning Lord over all creation. Or Jesus was a lunatic, a liar, or perhaps (as some argue) a legend. After reading this book, I couldn’t sit on the fence any longer.
Whether someone finds that line of reasoning convincing or not, that book is an example of apologetics, which is a field of study that explains why it is reasonable to believe something and recommends that we do so. But it is also an example of Christian apologetics, where the focus is on defending and commending the Christian faith to others.
The resources below will not only strengthen your own faith, but, in the words of the apostle Peter, they will prepare you “to give a defense to anyone who asks you for a reason for the hope that is in you” (1 Peter 3:15).
Studying non-Christian worldviews is not the same thing as studying apologetics, but we cannot be effective in defending the Christian faith and commending it to others if we don’t understand others’ worldviews, which I discuss in a bit more detail here.
Encountering World Religions by Irving Hexham (2 or 3): An accessible, Christian introduction to world religions.
Hidden Worldviews by Steve Wilkens & Mark L. Sanford (2 or 3): A worldview is not simply a set of intellectual beliefs. It actually creates and shapes the story of our lives. For example, individualism says, “I am the center of the universe.” And consumerism says, “I am what I own.” This book will help you to identify idolatry when you see it, and then to confront it appropriately.
The Universe Next Door by James W. Sire (3): A useful introduction to the theological and philosophical beliefs that shape people’s lives.
*Mama Bear Apologetics by Hillary Morgan Ferrer (ed.) (2): An excellent book for helping parents to encourage their children to stand firm in the face of culture’s lies. Papa Bears need to read this book as well.
*On Guard (2) and Reasonable Faith (3 or 4) by William Lane Craig
Evidence That Demands a Verdict by Josh McDowell & Sean McDowell, PhD (2 or 3): A comprehensive handbook that explains why it is reasonable to believe.
The Harvest Handbook of Apologetics by Joseph M. Holden (2 or 3): This book asks and answers seventy-five questions regarding Christian apologetics.
The Reason for God by Timothy Keller (3 or 4): The author answers common objections to the Christian faith and offers reasons to believe.
*Apologetics at the Cross by Joshua Chatraw & Mark D. Allen (3 or 4): An excellent textbook for a course on apologetics.